April 2019 - Self-Embodiment

How often do we think about our bodies?

We respond to the obvious signals to eat, drink, and sleep, but otherwise, we often go through our daily lives living only in our head. We're list-making, planning, evaluating, and thinking. While these mental activities are necessary, they would be further supported by dropping in to our bodies and feeling what it feels like to be in the flesh we occupy.

Sitting with Difficult Emotions

Sitting with Difficult Emotions

Sometimes I delude myself into believing that I’m past the challenges that impacted me in my youth.  Then I’ll notice that I’m being triggered by something unexpected and realize that I still have work to do on acknowledging my unresolved issues. 

These past few weeks have been an example of this. 

I have started telling people about the fact that I’ve decided to retire early, specifically at the end of this school year.  What’s interesting is that sharing this decision is making it feel more real, and the fact that it feels more real is bringing up several unexpected emotions. 

The most dominant emotion I’ve observed is guilt.

The Self-Care Practices You'll Actually Do

The Self-Care Practices You'll Actually Do

I love wisdom quotes. 

I enjoy reading them (and underlining or highlighting them) in the books that I read.  I enjoy sharing resonant quotes that I find on social media.  I’m the kind of person who is always looking for insight, either in the form of lighthearted encouragement or in deep wisdom.

The right inspirational quote at the right time can be uplifting enough to keep you going through a challenging time.

Finding Gratitude in Grief

Finding Gratitude in Grief

My first attempt at writing this post about gratitude took the form of a “how-to” type of article. I included the reasons why cultivating gratitude is beneficial. I wrote about how I try to incorporate it into my day both formally and informally. It was coming along just fine.

As I look back over the original draft, however, I realize that the tone doesn’t really align with what I’m feeling when it comes to gratitude this month. Much of the gratitude I’m experiencing right now stems from feelings of loss and grief.

I’ll try not to go too far down the rabbit hole here, and I promise there is a point to all this. Let me explain.