December 2019 - Slowing Down and Savoring

There is a LOT to do in December.

It is the end of the first half of the school year, and there are assessments to create, grading to be done, and myriad of other tasks to close out one semester and prepare for the next. And, of course, there are the holidays and all the extra activities and commitments that come with them.

In spite of all this busyness, I would like to invite you to do something unconventional this month -- slow down.

Who am I to...?

Who am I to...?

These “who am I to” statements came from a place of fear – fear of risk, fear of judgement, fear of getting hurt or embarrassed or shamed.

This voice of my inner critic is trying to keep me safe.  I understand that. 

But by trying to keep me safe, it keeps me small.  It keeps me from growing and evolving and becoming the most realized version of myself. 

I recently realized that he first letters of the phrase “Who am I to” represent the message of the phrase itself very clearly:  W.A.I.T.

Teacher Wellness Must Come First

Teacher Wellness Must Come First

Why is it that I choose not to exercise at these times?

Is it because deep down, I don’t really enjoy exercise? Is it because exercise feels like an “extra” in my day – something that is a bonus and can be done when everything else falls into place? Is it because I see it as some kind of construct of maintaining a conventionally attractive level of fitness and is therefore superficial?

I think it is all of these things. What may be the most compelling rationalization for not exercising, though, stems from the fact that the work that I’m doing each day feels “more important” and therefore more deserving of my time and energy.

August 2019 - Be Gentle With Yourself

We are rested and refreshed, and many of us are returning with what I call "the seductive optimism of the new school year."

Optimism about the awesomeness of the year ahead is a great sign of a positive mindset. We also need to be realistic about how demanding it can be to be an educator. When you start signing up for extra responsibilities, ask yourself if you will have the same energy and enthusiasm eight weeks from now.

June 2019 - Rest & Relaxation

Welcome to summer and all the opportunities it offers to rest.

Some of us find ourselves entering June so exhausted that we have no other option than to stop and recover. Others may have hit the ground running and are already on the road or knee-deep in work or projects. Summer allows us the spaciousness we need.

Whatever your circumstances this month, I invite you to rest and relax with intention.